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Physical Energy – No longer get tired during & after a round of golf

image of stamina

Can you have stamina enough to play 18 holes without a cart?

If you can, you might be strong also at night. Anyway …

Have you ever felt out of stamina in the second half of a golf round?

Fatigue may be the cause of the score collapse on the back nine especially on the last 3 holes. To put it simply, there is a lack of stamina. If fatigue accumulates, you would not be able to stand firm, and it will be difficult to send a ball flying with a proper shoulder turn, resulting in many missed shots.

It might be lack of stamina that the score collapses on the last 3 holes

If you lose your score on the 3rd hole, not that it may be a problem with your golf skills, but that you may have run out of stamina. Especially when the lower half of your body is no longer held and the swing axis isn’t kept, then you may have run out of stamina.

We recommend

1. During a round or a break, “amino VITAL pro” popular in Japan

Carbohydrates and lipids are the primary energy sources for daily activities. However, During vigorous physical activities like sports, carbohydrates and lipids stored in the body are unable to sufficiently compensate for the energy needs. The amino acids broken down from proteins in muscles are, therefore, utilized as fuels. In addition, sweating, which helps to control the body temperature, leads to water evaporation from the skin surface. Therefore, the frequent charge of both water and amino acids is essential to enjoy any sport.

Amino acids are the basis of sports
The key to comfortably performing at sports is to charge BCAAs, glutamine and arginine.

“aminoVITAL®” is formulated with well-balanced amino acids including BCAAs, which are important to smoothly perform in sports. You want to stay active more comfortably for longer periods and “aminoVITAL®” supports your body and helps it to stay energetic for longer.

Amino Acids are The Source of Life
3800 mg of amino acids (9 essential amino acids containing BCAAs that cannot be made with the body plus cystine and glutamine) and 8 vitamins that are important during sports can be easily ingested in the form of granules that melt in the mouth. Based on the latest sports science research, amino acids are absorbed quickly, making it ideal for conditioning the entire body of those who want to continue playing sports on a daily basis.

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Valine, Leucine and Isoleucine are particularly called branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) of twenty kinds of amino acids that make up human body proteins and are important to maintain favorable body condition for comfortable sporting. Since BCAAs cannot be synthesized by the body in humans, which are parts of 9 essential amino acids, it is essential to charge them in the diet. Glutamine and arginine also play an important role in maintaining the healthy life.

What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids, which are the constituents of proteins, are essential nutrients that form the basis of important tissues of the body such as skin, muscles, bones, blood, and organs . It occupies about 20% of the body.

There are 20 types of amino acids that make proteins. It also contains essential amino acids (EAA) that cannot be synthesized within the body and can only be supplemented from the diet.

Insufficient amino acids can lead to mental disorders due to decreased metabolism and immunity, as well as physical disorders such as rough skin and decreased muscle mass .

Let’s take amino acids positively to prevent physical troubles.

2. Vital Suppliment “ULBO Maca” For those who feel strength & vitality slipping


ULBO Maca Charge JAPAN for Golf Performance & Health Citrulline Arginine Zinc Maca 90ta
This product is developed for customers who want to “get tired recently”, “do not feel refreshed in the morning”, and “want another step”. Highly blended citrulline / arginine / zinc, which is good for men! In addition, “Maca“, which has the nickname of “Queen of the Andes”, is also included! It is a must-have for those who want to replenish their nutrition more easily. If you want to be more active and want to enrich your work and life, please give it a try.

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Thank you for reading. Hope this can help you.

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